Attendance and assessment
Flexible attendance
While we recommend students commit to attending for the year, we offer flexible attendance where students attend and pay for the Jing Fang Qualifcation (JFQ) by the day, by the term, or by the year. A discounted price is given to students who pay for a year in advance.
Because attendance is flexible, assessment of students is competency based rather than time based. Competencies are logged in a Student Logbook which is triangulated between two supervisors or tutors and the student. Completion of the logbook signals completion of the qualification.
Upon completion of the logbook, students are awarded a licentiate in Classical Chinese Herbalism (LicCCH).
Length of training
On average it takes around two years to complete the Student Logbook, if you attend regularly. However, as the qualification is competency based, it can take both a shorter or a longer time than that, depending on prior experience and individual circumstances.
If you would like to discuss your own situation, please contact us.
Assessments and coursework
Over the course of the Jing Fang Qualification students are assessed by:
- Student Logbook
- Online quizzes
- Clinical case assessments
- Case submissions
Student Logbook
To assess competency of each apprentice, apprentices are required to complete the Student Logbook as well as compile a reference set of herbs, formulas and cases, including their own research. This may be done in whatever way is useful to you, and will be monitored during the course. Details of this are laid out in the Student Logbook, and you can discuss this with your supervisors at any time.
Logbook competencies include evidence of attendance at three external days on dispensary (in person), and phytochemistry and pharmacology (online).
Online Quizzes
Each online lecture is accompanied by a short online quiz, which helps both students and supervisors guage your understanding of the material that is being presented.
Clinical Case Assessments
Clinical cases from our supervisors are given to students throughout the year. Students are asked to analyse the case, giving a diagnosis, treatment principle, and herbal prescription. Twenty cases are given out throught the course, as students reach relevant points in the lectures.
Case Submissions
Students are required to submit 20 cases over the duration of the course, for analysis and discussion during the tutorial sessions.
External examiner
SCCH employs an external examiner to look at all the Jing Fang Qualification assessment process, oversee student work and give external input into the Jing Fang Qualification programme. The External examiner is currently Neil Kingham, who is one of the first two graduates of the JFA programme, and qualified in 2016. Neil teaches acupuncture at the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in Bristol.
From the summer of 2023, EE reports will be available here.
Start your journey into Jing Fang with SCCH
If you are interested in becoming a Jing Fang classical herbalist, please contact us using the form below and we’ll send you more details.
Testimonials from patients, students and graduates.
The Jing Fang introductory lectures are extremely useful. The information is explained in a very clear and structured manner, with case studies that illustrate all the different formula patterns. The audio is a bonus. These lectures provide a very solid base that complement the practical side of the apprenticeship and help consolidate your learning.
I have been very lucky to meet Frances Turner and study the Jing Fang tradition you have shared all over the world. It’s a truly wonderful medicine, which I absolutely love to continue learning and practicing. So many have benefited from these teachings.
Thank you for bringing Jing Fang into my life, it has done miracles for my health…I feel so privileged to have discovered this lineage.
It has been rewarding and challenging to use this medicine. Every patient is a teacher!
Dr Feng, you have turned my world upside-down with this wonderful Jing Fang system… reading your case histories is inspirational.
It has been the most remarkable and fulfilling educational experience I have ever had, because the learning is done through observing real patients and seeing how Frances diagnoses and treats them. Every week I’m there, I learn something new whether it is about herbs or formulas or syndromes. And being at the clinic is always hugely interesting. Doing Frances’s course and learning the Jing Fang pattern diagnosis has changed the way I treat my own patients as an acupuncturist.
Jing fang has given me a way of understanding herbal medicine that is both profound and effective. For that I am eternally grateful!
It has been the single most helpful thing I’ve done for my health – it’s been life changing.
Your depth of knowledge, as well as your warmth and willingness to share it, have made the last two years the most important and enjoyable of my career to date.
It has been the most remarkable and fulfilling educational experience I have ever had.
It is such a privilege to be studying the Jing Fang Apprenticeship with Frances Turner, and I cannot wait to incorporate this incredible system into my practice to help patients.
Frances does a wonderful job of teaching Jing Fang to us in England, online and in person. It has transformed my herbal practice into being more effective, with quicker results, and being more curative.
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